Toxin-Free Swap: All Natural Deodorant

Hello there! Today I'm sharing another simple recipe for you that will help you to rid your home and personal care regimen of toxins!

This all-natural spray deodorant is so incredibly easy to make, and BONUS, 2 of the 3 oils come right in the Premium Starter kit (lemon & lavender). If you are excited to start your oils journey, you can get your premium starter kit by clicking HERE.

Now, for this deodorant recipe! Here's what you need:
  • 4oz spray bottle (if you'll be using citrus oils, make sure you use a glass spray bottle)
  • 2 oz witch hazel
  • 2 oz apple cider vinegar
  • 25 drops Young Living lemon essential oil
  • 10 drops Young Living lavender essential oil
  • 7 drops Young Living tea tree essential oil
To Make:
  1. Fill the spray bottle with 2 oz of witch hazel. (You can eyeball vs. measure too)
  2. Add the lemon, lavender, and tea tree essential oils. Swirl gently to combine.
  3. Fill the remaining bottle with apple cider vinegar.
  4. Screw the lid onto your bottle & shake well combine all ingredients.
  5. Give shake before spraying when using.
You can watch me make this recipe step-by-step by clicking the video tutorial below.

If you want to make more of a masculine scented deodorant, just swap out the lavender for something woodsy like Cedarwood (which is great for your skin, by the way), but don't swap out the Tea Tree. This oil adds some amazing benefits to this deodorant recipe that you don't want to miss out on!

Tea Tree oil is one of the most widely used oils, and it was one of the first I added to my collection beyond my Premium Starter Kit. The oil is very versatile. I use it in my home cleaning products, my DIY hand soaps, facial serum, acne roller, and more! Tea Tree oil has such a fresh, earthy, woodsy scent, and it's GREAT at masking odors (hence the use in our DIY deodorant). Print your own Product Information sheet on Tea Tree oil HERE.

Interested in more ways to use Tea Tree oil? Check out this blog post by Young Living on Every Day Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil.

Thanks for stopping by!


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