My Unmade Bed...and Revelation

I'm not going on any adventures this weekend because I'M SICK! It's been awhile since I've been this sick, and it feels strange to be so lethargic and just plain run down. I wonder if this is how I felt nearly all the time 45 pounds ago?  If it is, I don't want to go back there.

I'm a pretty clean and organized person. I've been off work with a fever and sore throat these last couple days of the week, and absolutely NOTHING is done around the house. My husband will tell you that this drives me batty! I have clothes in the dryer that need to be folded and put away, a dishwasher full of clean dishes to be emptied, dogs that desperately need some exercise (they love their walks with me), a house that needs picking up, and a bed that needs to be made.

See...unmade bed. And these dogs look like perfect angels, but that's just because they were waiting for a treat. When 7pm rolls around, I promise you they aren't so innocent - well the black one anyway (Scout). Her pent up energy gets the best of her, and she just can't seem to chill out.

I did find some energy to attempt some home remedies to help my throat - gargling with epsom salts, a homemade throat spray with Cider Vinegar, some honey, and essential oils. I also did some gargling with a 50/50 water & hydrogen peroxide mix.

All my home remedies did help a bit, but the most relief I found was with my Thieves Spray sample that I had floating around in the bottom of my starter kit. I read that it could help with sore throat and Strep in my new desk guide to essential oils. I was pretty happy with the immediate relief I felt.

But, this post isn't about my throat pain or relief. It's about a revelation I had today. As I've been resting and working to get over my illness, I truly can't help but think about my lifestyle 45 pounds ago - before I made the decision to do better for my health. There were so many days I found myself in the same situation - overwhelmed by all I have to do and no energy or motivation to do it. I haven't felt that way in a long time, and I don't miss that feeling one bit. Once I'm feeling better, I'll be back onto my healthy habits and keeping up around the house.

I have a long way to go, but I know one thing for sure - I don't want to go back. I can only imagine what it will be like to have the energy and stamina to hike the woods and rugged terrain on an elk hunt out west with Jon, to do yoga without modifcation, or to run a 5k one day! What are you looking forward to in your health journey?

I'm not giving up. I have too much to look forward to.

Thanks for stopping by!



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